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Preguntas mƔs frecuentes

  • ĀæPor quĆ© mis invertebrados necesitan calcio?
    Muchos alimentos comunes vendidos tienen un contenido de calcio muy bajo. Debido a esto, miles de invertidos en el hobby tienen deficiencia de calcio. Sufren de retraso en el crecimiento, caparazones erosionados, tienen problemas para mudar, no quieren reproducirse, y la lista continĆŗa. El calcio de KatsAquatics no solo proporciona a sus invertidos el calcio que piden, sino tambiĆ©n muchos otros micro y macronutrientes esenciales. Nuestros suplementos de calcio aseguran que sus crustĆ”ceos reciban toda la nutriciĆ³n que necesitan y desean. KatsAquatics los ayudarĆ” a verse y sentirse hermosos, asĆ­ como a alcanzar su potencial en la reproducciĆ³n.
  • ĀæCuĆ”nto tiempo se tarda en recibir mi pedido?
    Todos los pedidos nacionales (estados y territorios de EE. UU.) se envƭan en un plazo de dos dƭas laborables y tardan entre 5 y 7 dƭas en llegar a su domicilio. Los pedidos internacionales tambiƩn se envƭan dentro de los dos dƭas hƔbiles, aunque pueden demorar hasta dos semanas en llegar debido a la aduana.
  • ĀæDĆ³nde te encuentras?
    Estamos ubicados en Brooklyn NY.Todos nuestros productos estƔn hechos a mano y todos nuestros animales/plantas vivos se crƭan en la ciudad de Nueva York. Nunca importado.
  • ĀæEs necesario refrigerar los productos?
    Ā”No! Ā”Esa es otra ventaja! Si bien estĆ”n hechos sin conservantes, todos nuestros productos nutricionales estĆ”n completamente deshidratados y no se estropean si se mantienen en un ambiente fresco y seco.
  • ĀæCuĆ”l es su polĆ­tica de devoluciĆ³n?
    Devoluciones gratuitas en artĆ­culos no vivos durante 30 dĆ­as, garantizados. Ā”Te encanta o te devolvemos tu dinero! Todos los elementos vivos, incluidos peces, caracoles y plantas, tienen una polĆ­tica de D.O.A a la que puede acceder aquĆ­.
  • ĀæTienes alguna reseƱa?
    Ā”SĆ­! comenzamos nuestro viaje compartiendo nuestros productos a travĆ©s de Ebay y Etsy, por lo tanto, la gran mayorĆ­a de nuestras reseƱas provienen de allĆ­. Ā”Puede consultar la pĆ”gina de reseƱas en el encabezado para leerlas! TambiĆ©n estamos trabajando para publicar reseƱas directamente en el sitio web :)
  • ĀæCĆ³mo puedo convertirme en embajador de KatsAquatics?
    Ā”EnvĆ­enos un correo electrĆ³nico a y podemos discutir todo!
  • ĀæNecesito CO2 para mi acuario?
    El CO2 sin duda dispara el crecimiento y la vivacidad de las plantas. Sin embargo, complementar un acuario con CO2 puede ser un desafĆ­o y no es necesario para ver el crecimiento de las plantas. Algunos buenos excrementos de pescado y agua hacen magia.
  • Acclimating Fish after receiving
    Float the Bag: Gently float the sealed bag containing your new fish in the acclimation container. This will allow the temperature inside the bag to gradually equalize with the water in the container Never Add Bag Water to Your Tank: It's crucial not to introduce water from the shipping bag into your aquarium. This water is likely high in ammonia and nitrates after travel and we don't want that in your tank. Drip Acclimation (Optional): For sensitive species or in cases of significant water parameter differences, you can perform drip acclimation. Attach a small length of airline tubing to an air control valve and secure the tubing in a knot, creating a slow drip. Place one end of the tubing in your aquarium and the other end into the acclimation container. Adjust the valve to control the rate of water flow from your tank into the container. This allows for a gradual introduction of your tank's water into the acclimation container. Observe for 15-30 Minutes: Allow the fish to acclimate to the temperature and water conditions for about 15-30 minutes. This time may vary depending on the sensitivity of the fish species. Net or Transfer Fish: Carefully net the fish from the acclimation container or gently pour them into a net over a clean bucket to avoid introducing any bag water into your tank. Slowly introduce the fish into your aquarium. Discard Acclimation Water: Dispose of the water in the acclimation container responsibly, away from your tank. Monitor the Fish: Keep an eye on your newly introduced fish for the next few hours to ensure they are adjusting well to their new environment. By following these acclimation instructions, you can help minimize stress and ensure the successful transition of your new fish to their new home. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at Enjoy your new aquatic friends!
  • DOAs
    1. Introduction At KatsAquatics, we are committed to delivering high-quality live fish, snails, and lizards to our valued customers. We take great care in ensuring the health and well-being of our aquatic and reptile species during transit. However, we understand that there may be rare instances where a product arrives in less than optimal condition. To address such situations, we have established this Dead On Arrival (DOA) Policy to outline the procedures for reporting and addressing potential DOA issues. 2. Definitions DOA (Dead On Arrival): A product is considered DOA if it arrives at the customer's designated delivery address in a deceased or visibly distressed state. 3. Scope This policy applies to all live fish, snails, and lizards purchased from KatsAquatics and covers DOA claims made by customers. 4. Eligibility for DOA Claims Customers are eligible to make a DOA claim if they meet the following conditions: The customer must provide clear photographic evidence of the deceased or visibly distressed being within two (2) hours of delivery. The customer must follow the unpacking and acclimation guidelines provided by KatsAquatics. The customer must adhere to the specified acclimation procedures for the respective species, as outlined on our website. 5. Reporting a DOA Customers who believe they have received a DOA being must take the following steps: Immediately photograph the deceased or visibly distressed product, ensuring that the product and packaging are clearly visible in the image. Send an email to with the subject line "DOA Claim - Order #[Insert Order Number]." In the email, include the following information: Customer name and contact details Order number Clear photographs of the DOA product and its packaging A brief description of the issue 6. Evaluation and Resolution Once a DOA claim is submitted, KatsAquatics will undertake the following steps: The KatsAquatics team will review the claim and photographic evidence provided by the customer. If the claim is deemed valid and meets the eligibility criteria, KatsAquatics will offer one of the following options, as determined by the customer's preference: A full refund for the price of the DOA product . A replacement of the DOA product in the next available shipment (subject to product availability). KatsAquatics reserves the right to request additional information or documentation to validate the claim. 7. Timelines for DOA Claims Customers must report DOA claims within four hours of delivery. Claims submitted after this timeframe may not be meet the requirements for 100% compensation. Please make sure someone is at home to receive your animals if placing an order. 8. Customer Responsibilities Customers are responsible for adhering to the unpacking and acclimation guidelines provided by KatsAquatics. 9. Contact Information For DOA claims and inquiries, customers can contact KatsAquatics at or 347-322-4766
  • How do you ship live snails?
    Mystery Snails are normally shipped in a container with moist paper towels. This allows them to enter a state of hibernation, and avoids possible troubles such as increased ammonia levels in water. Depending on weather, we will send the snails in insulation (styrofoam lined box, or paper insulation). If weather requires it, we will ship with a heat pack. It is not necessary to select the expedited shipping for snails at checkout, though it is recommended.
  • Shipping Live Fish
    We will always ship live fish in double bags within a styrofoam lined box. The water may contain methylene blue or aquarium salt to reduce stress variables on the fish. Heat packs will be added according to the weather. Expedited Shipping MUST be selected at checkout! Previously, we have eaten the cost and still shipped fish to customers who took advantage of the free shipping option. Free Shipping DOES NOT apply to fish! If Expedited shipping is not selected, we will provide a 48 hour grace period in which we will contact the customer and request additional payment for expedited shipping. If the balance is not paid, the order will be cancelled.
  • Shipping Live Crested Geckos
    Crested geckos are shipping in a classic gecko container, escape proof, with holes for breathing. They are insulated with paper and styrofoam lining. Heat packs are provided free of charge as needed. Over Night (lizard) Shipping MUST be selected at checkout! Free Shipping DOES NOT apply to lizards! We put a lot of work and love into breeding our geckos, and will not put their lives in danger by putting them under unnecessary stress via long shipping periods. We understand overnight is expensive, and we empathize with you. This cost does not go to us, but rather UPS/FEDex. Often time, the cost is even more than the flat rate $45, but that is the discount the we provide to our customers. If Expedited shipping is not selected, we will provide a 48 hour grace period in which we will contact the customer and request additional payment for expedited shipping. If the balance is not paid, the order will be cancelled.
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